Jewelry Care & Maintenance

  1. Gold Bangle Bracelets: Choosing & Styling the Perfect Piece

    Gold Bangle Bracelets: Choosing & Styling the Perfect Piece Gold bangle bracelets exude a timeless elegance that can elevate any outfit, making them a sought-after...

  2. Decoding Tradition: What Hand Does the Wedding Ring Go On?

    Decoding Tradition: What Hand Does the Wedding Ring Go On? In the enchanting realm of matrimonial customs, the placement of the wedding ring holds a...

  3. Why is My White Gold Ring Turning Yellow?

    If your engagement ring is white gold, you may have noticed a slight yellowish tinge to the silver color of the metal. To some people...

  4. How to Store Sterling Silver Jewelry

    We’ve all been there: we open up the jewelry box, pull out an old favorite, only to find the once shiny silver is now...

  5. How to Buy a Diamond: The 4Cs and the 5th

    You’re ready to propose. You want to spend the rest of your life with your significant other. In fact, you can’t imagine a...

  6. How to Pick the Perfect Diamond Carat Size

    Carat, not to be confused with karat or carrot, is defined as a unit of mass equal to 200 mg used for measuring the weight...

  7. Genuine Gemstones vs. Synthetic and Imitation Gemstones

    With the variety of lab-grown and imitation gemstones out there, navigating the comparison between genuine gemstones and imitation gemstones. can be quite confusing. What...

  8. Gemstones and Metals for Everyday Wear

    Every person likes something different when they are looking for fashionable pieces of jewelry. Individuals like different shapes and colors of stones along with different...

  9. 4 Myths: How Not to Clean Your Jewelry

    Properly cleaning jewelry isn't as easy as doing a quick Google search. There are many wives’ tales and myths explaining how to clean your...

  10. The Most Popular Chain Styles for Necklaces

    Choosing a necklace chain can be a trial; with so many different chain styles and so many different names, how do you choose? And what...

  11. Birthstones and Zodiac Stones: Gems and Your Sign

    Birthstones are a well-known concept, cherished as unique gems representing a birth month. Birthstone jewelry is a popular gift, further forging that personal connection...

Gemstones and Metals for Everyday Wear

Gemstones and Metals for Everyday Wear

October 19th, 2023 3 minute read

Why is My White Gold Ring Turning Yellow?

Why is My White Gold Ring Turning Yellow?

October 19th, 2023 4 minute read

How to Store Sterling Silver Jewelry

How to Store Sterling Silver Jewelry

October 19th, 2023 3 minute read

4 Myths: How Not to Clean Your Jewelry

4 Myths: How Not to Clean Your Jewelry

October 19th, 2023 4 minute read